Organic Navelina orange

They are oranges with a very good taste and high quality for the consumer. The variety is characterized by its high productivity and early ripening, reaching the fullness of its organoleptic characteristics in early November.

Available from November to January.

This oval-shaped variety has a medium to large size. The peel of the Navelina Orange is of medium thickness and separates easily from the fruit. The peel’s color is a strong orange, and it does not have a large navel. The pulp is fleshy and contains a large amount of juice. Additionally, the Navelina Orange variety is seedless. The origin of the Navelina is from California, discovered in 1910 as a spontaneous mutation of the Washington Navel, commonly known as the Washington. The Navelina Orange was introduced to Valencia by the University of California in 1933, where it was then called Navelina. However, it wasn’t until 1968 when the agricultural research center in Spain granted the Navelina variety to nurseries, which quickly spread progressively through Valencia, Murcia, and Andalusia. The tree is of medium size and bushy. It tends to have an open growth and a rounded appearance. The leaves are of a characteristic dark green color.

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